3 juillet 2008

Titan Quest

This incredible hack'n'slash is unable to work with the cursed intel card.

Titan Quest

When you start TQ the "Couldn't intialize graphic engine" will appear. I succeed to make the game work with 3Danalyze by forcing Software TnL but the terrain is missing when you play and it's very laggy.

Game Settings
Screen Resolution: 1280x800 - full screen
Terrain Quality: Low
Texture Quality: Low
Shadow Quality: Low

Minimum FPS
5 fps
Maximum FPS
25 fps
Average FPS
12 fps


4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

très bonne initiative que ce blog (trouvé via 1 post sur commentça marche).
Ma conclusion, c'est que ça n'incite pas à acheter 1 portable avec cette puce: si c'est même pas capable de faire tourner des jeux de maintenant, ça sera quoi dans 3ans?!

a tchao,

Anonyme a dit…

Pour la bureautique ca suffit amplement. Apres pour les jeux vaux mieut se diriger vers une vraie carte graphique.

Keriam Le blog a dit…

dommage pour titan quest...j'ai testé également Loki le jeu : injouable.

Enfin, il fonctionne à 15 fps en tout moche. Wow reste la valeur sûr pour cette carte graphique

Anonyme a dit…

Hi there!
I had trouble with my Dell Inspiron 1720 (WinXP, 4Gig RAM, Intel GM965)- the game would load but either no textures (grass etc) or no people (just a helmet & shield floating in the air).

I fixed the problem by installing , not the proper Dell driver (which has no OpenGL settings, by the way) but rather the latest Intel driver found here http://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=eng&ProductFamily=Graphics&ProductLine=Laptop+graphics+controllers&ProductProduct=Mobile+Intel%c2%ae+965+Express+Chipset+Family

In order to make sure that you get the correct driver, it might be good to run their system checker found here http://www.intel.com/support/detect.htm?iid=dc_spotlight_home1

If you pick up any error messages such as: "Driver not validated on this computer" you have to use the Windows "Have disk" method of installing described here http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-030331.htm

Hope this helps ;-)