3 juillet 2008

Titan Quest

This incredible hack'n'slash is unable to work with the cursed intel card.

Titan Quest

When you start TQ the "Couldn't intialize graphic engine" will appear. I succeed to make the game work with 3Danalyze by forcing Software TnL but the terrain is missing when you play and it's very laggy.

Game Settings
Screen Resolution: 1280x800 - full screen
Terrain Quality: Low
Texture Quality: Low
Shadow Quality: Low

Minimum FPS
5 fps
Maximum FPS
25 fps
Average FPS
12 fps


World of Warcraft

I'll bring a lot of excitement in the x3100 community with this announcement.

World of Warcraft

WoW is working very well with the x3100 at medium settings.

Game Settings
Screen Resolution: 1280x800 - full screen
Terrain Quality: Medium
Texture Quality: Medium
Shadow Quality: Medium

Minimum FPS
15 fps
Maximum FPS
40 fps
Average FPS
25 fps

Good Playability